
Fashion shows, photos shoots and new ideas

Well this year has been moving fast.  I am working on several things at once and feeling back in my groove.  The weather here in Portland is wet and warmer with a few beautiful dry warm days that tease one into thinking it might last for more than a blink


Something to look forward to.

Year of the Dragon

The dragon in Chinese is an animal or creature of good fortune and protection.  For the new year it is said to be the luckiest of the Chinese years. This believe holds true in Buddhist tradition as well. See Tibetan dragon . Interesting to note the dragon controls weather and

Rusted Cathedral

In Seaside Oregon lies a beautiful treasure beached in the sand like the bones of a sacred space.  I am speaking of the Peter Iredale shipwreck of 1906. I have lived in the Northwest my whole life and never until now seen this awe inspiring site.  Ever since I heard

Native grounds

This was the final stop of our road trip.  We found this native fishing site that was slowly decomposing over the years but you could still see how the structures could have been used by the natives that came to fish.  What a beautiful thing to find. The photos of

Ghost Town

  The image of paint and the window are from my camera.  Of course the beautiful one in the center is Mia as taken by John Campbell……..  

Composting results

Well I have great news and images to share of my latest composting batch.  I started this batch on April 20th and it has been cooking ever since.  I decide to construct a greenhouse like cooker to put the bundles in since the temp. in Portland is not too warm

Remover of Obstacles



The veil is thin between the world of the living and the dead.  Blessings to our ancestors that have come before us and carved out our future.  I hope we can make good choices for future generations. This is one of my favorite artist Susan Seddon Boulet.