
Imbolg – Greeting the Light

This celebration is aptly named in its Celtic language to mean ‘in the belly’.  It has been Christianized since to be called Candlemas. On February 2, when the first seeds stir in the womb of mother earth we can look forward to the light. This light is growing each day

The Great Conjunction

I have slowed down in posting from my heart.  The part of me that finds the center and screams out.  This pandemic year has given time for feeling more.  I have not been sure what to do with these feelings so I create with the bounty of nature.  Now winter

Dispelling Illusions

I was told at the beginning of 2017 it would be the year to dispel illusions. Well, it is 2018 and I am still dispelling.  Maybe it will never end. After all life is an illusion that our egos have created to feel safe and important. As I get older

Samhain Blessings

The veil is thin between the world of the living and the dead.  Blessings to our ancestors that have come before us and carved out our future.  I hope we can make good choices for future generations. This is one of my favorite artist Susan Seddon Boulet. shaman spider woman

Summer Solstice

The wheel keeps on turning.  Today marks the official first day of summer here in the Northwest; Well at least this evening about 10pm. I hope you are getting a chance to enjoy this transition where ever you may be! I found this on the street when I arrived home

Winter Solstice

The wheel of the year keeps on turning and the sun is now at its lowest point in the horizon.  Traditionally this time of year the Holly and the Oak kings trade positions.  Although it is the shortest day of the year and therefore the darkest the Oak king promises

Wheel of the Year

The year is turning from light to dark and the veil is thin.  It is time to honor the dead and look to the future.   Samhain is the seam between one year (light) and the next (dark) which stops linear time as we know it.  Carry your torch or

winter solstice

Fresh out of a lunar eclipse we step into winter solstice.  May you find peace, happiness and prosperity as the wheel turns.


The veil is thin between the world of the living and the dead.  Blessings to our ancestors that have come before us and carved out our future.  I hope we can make good choices for future generations. This is one of my favorite artist Susan Seddon Boulet.