
Huffington Post

I was thrilled to have been recently interviewed for the Huffington Post style blog by a local writer Catherine Garvin.  The article was a three part post and we had a photoshoot especially for the occasion.  You can view the first article here.  The creative team was brilliant and the

Sold Out

You gotta love good press. I was recently interviewed by Marjorie Skinner of the Portland Mercury about my show Pre-Soiled Couture and such. Thank you Justine (model), Camillia (make-up/ hair), and Mike Larremore (photo). After the fashion show there will be 5 dress forms in the gallery that will display


Thank you for the good press!! This is just what I need to get my rusty wares out to the world. Fashion Fair PDX j just posted this designer spotlight. Dont forget that Saturday is Pre-Soiled Fashion show at Disjecta There will be a good crowd so get there early

Cover girl

I am delighted to say that my work has graced the cover of the Willamette Week The wonderful writer Richard Speer came to my studio to compile an article for the issue and much to my surprise they (editors) loved the images I sent them and BAM…… cover. Mike Larremore