
Warrior Queen

Hot off the press, this wonderful video that capsulated the Spiritual Warrior performance and fashion show held at Disjecta for the opening night of Glean on August 14th. I am so blessed to have creative people in my life that support me with their energy, time, and professionalism.   From the


I have been very busy the last month gleaning at the transfer station and working on the story for my latest residency with Metro.  The show deadline is coming up fast and the show,  which I hope you can all come to, is August 14.  I know many of you

New Year

Well its the last day of the year again.  2010 has been a busy year for me to say the least.  I had a great art exhibit at Disjecta, participated in many fashion shows, produced and created a long time vision, Pre-soiled Couture, worked with new photographers, met with many


Last night was amazing! Thank you for all the people who came out to watch the show. It was quite a downpour outside. Pre-Soiled Couture was my existence for the last year and now it too must pass. I will have pictures and video up soon, thanks to OSI. I

recycled fashion couture


I have just posted my project on kickstarter.  I need as much help as possible.  I am raising money to fund my fashion show  ‘Pre- Soiled’  that will  be held this September 18th at Disjecta.  Please visit the site and donate!  Now is the time to stand and deliver.  Please