natural dyes

Dye lab experiments done with French flair……..

It has been a head spinning last few months.  I cannot seem to keep up with the amount of work and opportunities that I have before me.  As usual it is a lot of work and little time for self. I would like to thank everyone who is actually reading

Couleur Garance – The Garden of Natural Dyes

I can not post about my trip to France without dedicating an entry to the Couleur Garance!  After all this was the reason for my journey in the first place.  A few years back I attended a lecture from the renowned natural dye innovator Michel Garcia.  I was at a

A Certain Kind Of Person

I am lost in the folds of the fabric I create.  My identity cannot be separated from the color and the stains that bleed across the fiber.  I am an agent for nature and in turn she is my one true love.  Most people find love and share with other

I Feel Something

I am the light of love I am the core I seek It fits over my shoulders and warms all of the chakras below From my head down to my feet I feel love. It moves me to create, To translate this great love into a story that everyone can

Warrior Queen

Lately it seems I have been hearing a lot of people talk to me about the stories of what we do and how it makes work compelling and gives it more life.   Our story is after all what is infused into the meaning of truth.  The truth of your reality

To The Core

I will be having a artist reception on December 5 from 6-8 pm at the Jupiter Hotel Gallery.  This show will be new work that deals with the idea of ‘The Core’.  I recently was interview for a local radio show “Art Focus” on KBOO Radio.  This was my first

Results- Work Cycle

This is the last post for the tarot spread  and collection – The Work Cycle- The cards I will interpret are the Outcome (The Magician)  and Result ( Ace of Wands).  At this point all the cards and work will or most likely will manifest in these last two positions. 

Work Cycle III

The next three cards are about work.  This is the work that needs to be done to face the obstacles and opportunities that are before us. Work – Disappointment – Ladder-  The 5 of cups is the suit of water.  So far in this reading there have been three water

The Work Cycle II

The next cards in the reading are the Past and Expectations.  The past shows us the root of the situation or the background of what we are involved in.  Expectations will indicate the persons attitude.  How they want things to be with positive or negative approaches. Past – Death –

Garden of Colors

Summer is finally here in the Pacific Northwest.  Of course we still have rain mixed with beautiful sunny hot days but soon everything with dry out.  Until then my garden is fluffy and alive with green leaves and blooming buds.  I have already started to harvest my roses for dyeing