
New Collection

  The new year is not so new anymore.  It rushes by like a river.  Spring is almost here and like the new buds that are emerging everywhere I look, my new collection is also ready to bloom. So many new thing are coming my way and I look forward

Earth Passage

The passage of time is a transition, a movement. Living life in the now and forever going forward. Some things we shed and some things we take with us. What we take are our tools, they help to build the future and add to the character of our life. The

Sticks and stones

This is my first post of the new year.   I am hopeful that the year of the ram will bring the needed yin energy to get projects started and new connections focused in the right direction. I wanted to share with you one of the new projects I am starting

Process – works like magic

In the depths of darkness and decay a seed stirs inside.  This seed will be magic and beauty.  The light that shines on my soul and thus through my work is constantly being reborn.  As I travel to the core of being I find too many metaphors for love, strength,

To The Core

I will be having a artist reception on December 5 from 6-8 pm at the Jupiter Hotel Gallery.  This show will be new work that deals with the idea of ‘The Core’.  I recently was interview for a local radio show “Art Focus” on KBOO Radio.  This was my first

Results- Work Cycle

This is the last post for the tarot spread  and collection – The Work Cycle- The cards I will interpret are the Outcome (The Magician)  and Result ( Ace of Wands).  At this point all the cards and work will or most likely will manifest in these last two positions. 

Work Cycle III

The next three cards are about work.  This is the work that needs to be done to face the obstacles and opportunities that are before us. Work – Disappointment – Ladder-  The 5 of cups is the suit of water.  So far in this reading there have been three water

The Work Cycle II

The next cards in the reading are the Past and Expectations.  The past shows us the root of the situation or the background of what we are involved in.  Expectations will indicate the persons attitude.  How they want things to be with positive or negative approaches. Past – Death –

New Work and Process

Over the last year I have been creating on a new body of visual art.  Often times this is just something I need to do and start working on without a gallery to hang or venue in mind. I am very fortunate to have things like this fall into place

Warrior Dance

Back in the daydream you let your mind wander to corners that are safe and free.  The world would be a better place if everyone felt a moment of dreaming.  These dreams are attainable and they are also pure fantasy.  Let’s escape from reality and feel the realness of an