
Holiday Sales

I am pleased to share with you a few little sales I will be having this holiday season. Coming right up, this weekend R A W Textiles is opening the doors on December 11 from 10-4.  As usual there will be an assortment of hand made items from R A

Holiday pop up

Please join us…….        

Warrior Queen

Hot off the press, this wonderful video that capsulated the Spiritual Warrior performance and fashion show held at Disjecta for the opening night of Glean on August 14th. I am so blessed to have creative people in my life that support me with their energy, time, and professionalism.   From the

Trashy Spirit Guides

It has been too long since my last posting.  The wheel has started turning again and things in my world are moving forward and picking up speed………. In late February I was accepted into a residency with Metro, Recology and Cracked Pots.  The this project is called ‘Glean’ and I

To The Core

I will be having a artist reception on December 5 from 6-8 pm at the Jupiter Hotel Gallery.  This show will be new work that deals with the idea of ‘The Core’.  I recently was interview for a local radio show “Art Focus” on KBOO Radio.  This was my first

Trade show

R.A.W. Textiles is pleased to announce that we will be showing in the Green Room with Designers and Agents this June 11-13 in L.A.  We were kindly gifted this space and are thrilled to be part of the show.  If you are in the L.A. area please stop by and

Trunk Show

The invitation has been made for the upcoming trunk show that will be on May 3, and you are invited! There will be three other designers showing their beautiful work.  Check out Eden’s blog for more info on each designer.  There is also a sweet interview with me about the

Show at Guardino

I just wanted to share a few photos of the show I have hanging at Guardino Gallery for the month of July.  The opening was great.  There was a steady stream of people but not too much to get overwhelmed.  I didn’t even have to answer the same questions repeatedly. 

Indigenous Autos

My next show coming up is going to be a good one! I have been rusting and planning how to build a vintage chevy out of silk panels. Plus the gallery is located on the ever so fun Alberta Street which is closed down for last Thurs. art walks. Many

grand opening

I am pleased to announce the opening of R.A.W. Textiles.  I have been packing, sorting, painting, hanging, and unpacking to get ready for this day.  I love my new space because there is so much light, it has tall ceilings, and I can walk there if I want to.  If