
Warrior Queen

Hot off the press, this wonderful video that capsulated the Spiritual Warrior performance and fashion show held at Disjecta for the opening night of Glean on August 14th. I am so blessed to have creative people in my life that support me with their energy, time, and professionalism.   From the

Spirtual Warrior

The Glean show opening was a surprising packed house and I think my performance went over well.   It was a great relief to finally present my story.   Photos and video to follow……… This is the story I wrote that went with the performance: The fools journey into the

Trashy Spirit Guides

It has been too long since my last posting.  The wheel has started turning again and things in my world are moving forward and picking up speed………. In late February I was accepted into a residency with Metro, Recology and Cracked Pots.  The this project is called ‘Glean’ and I