tarot cards

Work Cycle III

The next three cards are about work.  This is the work that needs to be done to face the obstacles and opportunities that are before us. Work – Disappointment – Ladder-  The 5 of cups is the suit of water.  So far in this reading there have been three water

The Work Cycle II

The next cards in the reading are the Past and Expectations.  The past shows us the root of the situation or the background of what we are involved in.  Expectations will indicate the persons attitude.  How they want things to be with positive or negative approaches. Past – Death –

The Work Cycle

I am pleased to release ‘ The Work Cycle’,  a collection of scarves hand dyed in my studio. Transformation is a powerful force that happens every moment of every day, in our lives and in our environment. The magnetic pulls of energy and the stardust surrounding us is what has