
Perfect Mix

Allow for the good things to come. The space is made The time is now Opening the heart center with crystals and smoke Relinquishing the past the pain the missepts Re align with the now Love what you have Attract what you love Feel deeply Share This is a perfect

New Work and Process

Over the last year I have been creating on a new body of visual art.  Often times this is just something I need to do and start working on without a gallery to hang or venue in mind. I am very fortunate to have things like this fall into place

Wheel of the Year

The year is turning from light to dark and the veil is thin.  It is time to honor the dead and look to the future.   Samhain is the seam between one year (light) and the next (dark) which stops linear time as we know it.  Carry your torch or


The veil is thin between the world of the living and the dead.  Blessings to our ancestors that have come before us and carved out our future.  I hope we can make good choices for future generations. This is one of my favorite artist Susan Seddon Boulet.