

I have been very busy the last month gleaning at the transfer station and working on the story for my latest residency with Metro.  The show deadline is coming up fast and the show,  which I hope you can all come to, is August 14.  I know many of you

Trashy Spirit Guides

It has been too long since my last posting.  The wheel has started turning again and things in my world are moving forward and picking up speed………. In late February I was accepted into a residency with Metro, Recology and Cracked Pots.  The this project is called ‘Glean’ and I

Sticks and stones

This is my first post of the new year.   I am hopeful that the year of the ram will bring the needed yin energy to get projects started and new connections focused in the right direction. I wanted to share with you one of the new projects I am starting

Process – works like magic

In the depths of darkness and decay a seed stirs inside.  This seed will be magic and beauty.  The light that shines on my soul and thus through my work is constantly being reborn.  As I travel to the core of being I find too many metaphors for love, strength,

To The Core

I will be having a artist reception on December 5 from 6-8 pm at the Jupiter Hotel Gallery.  This show will be new work that deals with the idea of ‘The Core’.  I recently was interview for a local radio show “Art Focus” on KBOO Radio.  This was my first

Work Cycle III

The next three cards are about work.  This is the work that needs to be done to face the obstacles and opportunities that are before us. Work – Disappointment – Ladder-  The 5 of cups is the suit of water.  So far in this reading there have been three water

The Work Cycle

I am pleased to release ‘ The Work Cycle’,  a collection of scarves hand dyed in my studio. Transformation is a powerful force that happens every moment of every day, in our lives and in our environment. The magnetic pulls of energy and the stardust surrounding us is what has

New Work and Process

Over the last year I have been creating on a new body of visual art.  Often times this is just something I need to do and start working on without a gallery to hang or venue in mind. I am very fortunate to have things like this fall into place

Studio Moving Sale

Change comes in many forms and sometimes when you are not ready or not expecting it to unfold as it does.  The best thing to do is ride the wave and not cling to what you perceive to be truth.  The truth is now and so is the future. I

From the Inside Out

This summer I am thrilled to be part of an exhibit at Jacoby Art Center with four other fiber artist that work with natural dyes and processes.  The show is titled “From the Inside Out”.  My contribution to the show will be part of a series that I have started