
Imbolg – Greeting the Light

This celebration is aptly named in its Celtic language to mean ‘in the belly’.  It has been Christianized since to be called Candlemas. On February 2, when the first seeds stir in the womb of mother earth we can look forward to the light. This light is growing each day

Ritual Making 1

It seems that I have been busy lately and have failed to update my blog.  Yes, busy moving again!  Both my studio and my living space have had the shake down.  So now I am finally feeling settled and after a brief pause I am ready to jump in with

Climbing to the top in Les Baux

I make my slow accent to the top of the castle.  I say slow because the stairs where well worn and very steep.  I felt like I was scaling a mountian and had to use the hand rail to hoist me to the next step. This was one of the

The Swing Of Things

Spring is in the swing. The planets have been positioned for this moment of intensity.   All we can do is breathe into it and move with the current. I have been thinking about so many things.  The choir in my head sings. A journey awaits and I am ready to

Vive la France

It has been a cold and snowy winter in Portland this year.  I’m glad the promise of spring  is coming closer. There is a very exciting thing  I will be experiencing in April. I want to share with you.   I have been holding it in because I thought if

New Collection

  The new year is not so new anymore.  It rushes by like a river.  Spring is almost here and like the new buds that are emerging everywhere I look, my new collection is also ready to bloom. So many new thing are coming my way and I look forward


Spring has bloomed before my eyes.  The air smells thick of daphne and hyacinth.  Who can complain about that?  Maybe those with allergies and those who are still dealing with snow.  Well take some nettles and wait for the snow to melt. I recently installed a show at a gallery


Something to look forward to.