textile design

The Great Conjunction

I have slowed down in posting from my heart.  The part of me that finds the center and screams out.  This pandemic year has given time for feeling more.  I have not been sure what to do with these feelings so I create with the bounty of nature.  Now winter

Textile Month In Portland

October is textile month in Portland.  I am thrilled to be part of this event.  Actually, there will be several events through out the month and workshops as well.  I will be teaching a one day workshop intensive at the R A W Textiles Studio on October 13th that will

I Am Me

  Soy Yo   I am me.  Living to understand others and myself in this world as my identity melts into the folds.  Man or Woman, we are all the same under the skin.  The desire to be free from constraints that society put us through can cause so much unnecessary

Ritual Making

  The ritual act of making has the potential to manifest a visual language that would not exist without the artist. This language is understood by those who look, as if they have seen it before; in a dream maybe?….the collective consciousness. When working with all the facets of nature