
Warrior Queen

Hot off the press, this wonderful video that capsulated the Spiritual Warrior performance and fashion show held at Disjecta for the opening night of Glean on August 14th. I am so blessed to have creative people in my life that support me with their energy, time, and professionalism.   From the

To The Core

I will be having a artist reception on December 5 from 6-8 pm at the Jupiter Hotel Gallery.  This show will be new work that deals with the idea of ‘The Core’.  I recently was interview for a local radio show “Art Focus” on KBOO Radio.  This was my first

New Work and Process

Over the last year I have been creating on a new body of visual art.  Often times this is just something I need to do and start working on without a gallery to hang or venue in mind. I am very fortunate to have things like this fall into place

From the Inside Out

This summer I am thrilled to be part of an exhibit at Jacoby Art Center with four other fiber artist that work with natural dyes and processes.  The show is titled “From the Inside Out”.  My contribution to the show will be part of a series that I have started

Big 400

The 6th annual Big 400 show is coming up this weekend on Saturday December 14th in the Pioneer Place Mall at the Peoples Art of Portland! This show is super fun and will include over 4,000 art panels that will all be 40.00 each.  You see something you like and


Spring has bloomed before my eyes.  The air smells thick of daphne and hyacinth.  Who can complain about that?  Maybe those with allergies and those who are still dealing with snow.  Well take some nettles and wait for the snow to melt. I recently installed a show at a gallery

Launch Pad

I currently have a show hanging at Launch Pad Gallery until March 31.  Taking a show down is always easier than putting one up. This show I constructed a few spiderwebs that I built on site and it took me about 10 hours so for sure it will be a