
Ritual Making 1

It seems that I have been busy lately and have failed to update my blog.  Yes, busy moving again!  Both my studio and my living space have had the shake down.  So now I am finally feeling settled and after a brief pause I am ready to jump in with

Textile Month In Portland

October is textile month in Portland.  I am thrilled to be part of this event.  Actually, there will be several events through out the month and workshops as well.  I will be teaching a one day workshop intensive at the R A W Textiles Studio on October 13th that will

French dye lab experiments part II

The experimentation continues……..On the second week of my 4 week stay in Lauris, France, I finally got the chance to meet Michel Garcia!  We spent 4 days together and talked so much!   I did not think it was possible.  He is such an intelligent and authentic person.  So open